
We'll Start at the Very Beginning...A Very Good Place to Start

Hello from the closet in our second bedroom! You'll see from the picture that this is the home I've made for my sewing machine and related crafting projects. The biggest of those projects is my wedding dress, which will make its one and only performance August 1, 2009.

After going through about 10 different muslins I've finally settled on The One. So, as the rest of my grad school time ticks away and the wedding date gets closer, continue reading for updates on the dress, the flowers, the invites, the cake, and all that jazz. Oh, and my other big project: finding gainful employment to payoff lots of debt.

1 comment:

  1. Is that your muslin in the corner??? And, I think I spy the same Vogue pattern that I used for the bottom of my dress on your work table... exciting!


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